No, not that kind. Jeez, get your head out of the gutter! ;)
I just wanted to update on my appointment today. No u/s (boo!) but the babies heartbeats were checked and I was measured. Boy was at 141 and Girl was at 150 BPM. :) And I am officially measuring at (GASP!) 39 weeks. Seriously, I am carrying ALL of my baby weight front and center so I wasn't all that surprised. I now have to get the "wow you are about to pop" looks/comments when I go out in public. Nice... At least people will get out of my way in mine for the bathrooms...
Doc and I talked a lot about my gestational diabetes. My fasting level was perfect he says, so he knows that this isn't an insulin-dependent condition (yay!). Basically, I process sugars slower than normal people. I should have had a peak at one hour, instead I had it at 2 hours. My fasting was 88 (normal range <110). If I had peaked at the normal range I would have been near-fine. Still a teeny bit high, but fine.. But since I peak late I need to really add more protein and less carbs. boo. I love bread....
So I see the dietician Friday. I get to start pricking my fingers Saturday 4x/day, and deal with it for 9-10 weeks...
OH and I found out today that my doc will be on vacation during my 38 week mark, so chances are I will deliver in my 37th week. He's not really on vacation, his wife is one week behind me in her pregnancy. I've known this since our first visit, they saw the same RE I did for IVF and also had success :) So it wasn't a surprise to me. And since the babies are measuring a skosh ahead of schedule it's not a big deal. So it looks like babies might be here the week of March 29th instead! YIKES!
Peking Chicken
6 months ago
We need a belly pic!!!!!!!!!
I agree! I want to see those babies!
YAH...I'm only measuring like 33 I gotta see this!! :o) Good job growin' those kiddos momma!!
Sorry about all the finger pricking...but I'm glad you won't need insulin! That's a relief!
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