First off, thank you to everyone for your support on the whole work deal. I contacted HR today and emailed a full statement as to my claims. I also spoke with my previous boss (who I LOVE) about it all, she was insanely supportive and gave me some great advice. I hope it doesn't go to a court room, but if it does, I am ready for the fight...
My assistants have both given me written statements on how they feel about my work and me as a manager. I also am getting them from at least 2 other employees. I told them only if they were comfortable with it, not one of them hesitated. I am so happy to have the support.
One of my assistants told me something today that really made me cry. She said God wouldn't have given me my miracles without having a plan on how I will care for them. She said not to worry, God will make sure we are taken care of. It just got me...
On with the news of my appointment :).....
I had my first visit with my OB today. I have to say I am so happy to have made the change! He is wonderful, informative, and totally supportive! I really felt like he will personalize my experience and I am so pleased with him. I feel completely comfortable being his patient.
this first visit was basically a sit-down to ask questions and get to know him. we talked for a solid hour on what to expect, being high risk, testing, etc etc. Then he asked if I wanted to see the babies.. uhh YEAH! I wasn't expecting an ultrasound but he gave me one for free :) He also said I would have monthly u/s. So I got to see my babies again today! They are still perfect. They both meassure at 11 weeks exactly and are so beautiful! I was sad that Josh wasn't with me again, but we didn't know. Plus I have another u/s on Oct 13. I am anxiously looking forward to seeing my little gummy bears again, I can't get enough :)
Seeing my babies again made me calm down instantly. They make me realize that nothing in this world matters more than them.
Peking Chicken
6 months ago
What a beautiful update! I'm so happy to hear of all the support you are receiving from your employees and previous boss. Your description of your doctors appt. made me smile.
So glad to hear that you have gotten some written support from your employees and have someone you can talk to about the situation.
The ultrasounds are the best! I think I could just stare at the screen all day, and I'm sure you could, too!
Absolutely:) I love ultrasounds... I'm always on cloud nine afterward:)
sounds like you are doing everything you are suppose to and have a ton of support exactly where you need it! great news!
so happy to hear that the babies are growing so well and you love your new doc..:) nice!! i can't believe you are almost in your second trimester though!! the time is flying by way to fast! a few more weeks and we can find out what genders they are..yay!!! i actually am going to order the yarn for one of the projects i'm working on for you, yes of course there are multiple projects planned! LOL
i love you so much...great news all the way around..:)
Yay for seeing the babies and yay for a great new OB! Sounds like things are turning around for you. I hope things stay uneventful for a while, in a good way!
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