Well here we are. 32 weeks. I know I say this all of the time, but wow. WOW.
So far still no real change in my cervical condition. That I know of anyway. I go to my dr next Mondayto get checked out and check bebez growths.
I guess the biggest thing is I have 1 to 2 semi-painful contractions a night. Sometimes they are not so bad, sometimes they suck. And I also have "the feeling". I had this feeling when I found out IVF worked. I felt like it was gonna be twins. Which was confirmed. Then I had "the feeling" it was a boy and a girl. Again confirmed. Now I have "the feeling" these lovelies will make their grand entrance sometime between weeks 35 and 36. Who wants to take bets?
With my GD. Yeah, it's there. Yeah, my levels have been the same. And yeah, I check my blood (but not all the time).
Sleep has been a struggle lately. I seem to go back and forth with getting 5-6 hours at a time then dropping down to waking almost every single hour. C'mon, there will be plenty of time to get no sleep, can I have some now?? please?
I also wanted to let you all know I started another blog. For the past couple of weeks I have been financially freaking out, even though we have money in the bank, low overhead, etc... So I started searching for deals, samples, freebies, etc. I am amazed at some of the stuff I have received (or getting) just by contacting the company in question and asking. So I wanted to share what I have discovered so far with my readers. And just to let you know, it's just a silly little blog that I am not getting paid to have. And the things on the blog I have personally requested, and I HATE the ones that make you do stupid surveys and jump through hoops..
So check it out. It's called Mommy Wants Freebies. Cute, huh?
Peking Chicken
6 months ago
i'm going to hope for 36-37 weeks so babies can cook a bit longer..;) i always had that feeling with the girls and they were both 2 days late! hahah of course, they were only one at a time..;)
love you...keep resting...
I'm so stinkin excited for you! Your sooo close!
I think your new blog is awesome! I think you should share the email address or phone number that you used too, to save me the leg work. :) Keep me informed about the other goodies you get! I know that for a lot of twin perks for companies you need to send them a copy of the birth certificates. Who's going to have time to do that after the fact, anyway?
I miss getting 5-6 hours in a stretch- I'm up at least every 3 hours. Just think... if you are right and have the babies at 35 weeks, and I make it to 38 weeks... we could logically have them the same day. :) I'm still thinking Feb. 28th for me though...
Here from ICLW. Your story is inspiring to me! I'm gonna check out our other blog too.
Thanks for the new website! I look forward to finding out about freebies! Looks like you're two weeks ahead of me- I hope your babies come out fully baked, its so amazing to believe how quickly the time is approaching!
have fun with your new blog!
Thanks for sharing! Freebies are great!
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