Saturday, July 26, 2008

I have a consultation with my new doctor next week.... wish me luck, I hope this works...

I also told my mom about the fertility treatments I have had to go through and the many I probably will go through in the future. She of course is extremely supportive :-)

I also need to find a new abode and will most likely go back to apartment living for another year. I have a goal to work my ass of and save money so that I will be able to get one of these in a year... Not that exact one of course, but I do want some equity in my life and if I have to eat Top Ramen and drink tap water I am gonna do it dammit....

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Rants and Raves...


  • In-laws were here and did nothing but complain the whole time. Such as when asked "how did you sleep?" replied with "terrible, it would have been better with a pillow and blanket, or at least a sheet on the blow-up bed we brought"... Ummmmm, you could have asked, we assumed you had your crap together.
  • Having to hide my lovely bird tattoo from said in-laws as to not spark another conversation about it being "unclassy".
  • Getting a letter from my landlord saying they were selling the house and if we would like to buy they would "work" with us. By work they mean attempt to list the house at $25K over the current market rate and "working" with us by knocking off 5 grand... So now there's the absolute certainty that moving will be in my near future as our lease is up in September. I wanted to sign another 6 months, but guess not.
  • Spending nearly $10 a day driving to and from work. So I guess no more Starbucks for me!

Ok, raves:

  • I am actually working now. Happy about that.... but although I get a killer discount on the clothes I still can't afford them.
  • Going to the Happy Monkey Coffee Shop today! I loved it, lots of unclassy people there now. I felt like I belonged. And the prices are fabulous, so I can sorta afford it. And they had free BBQ today... yummmmm
  • Molly (aka Jelly Moons) my dog actually let me trim her nails today. That's a feat (or "feet" if you want me to be funny)...

So I am feeling a little bad because it took mere seconds to write the rants and I really had to think of the raves... I mean, trimming my dog's nails?!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Happening... well... wasn't so much...


Dear M. Night Shyamalan-adingdong,

I have one question for you... why?

Why would you put out AMAZING films such as Signs, The Sixth Sense, even The Village (or as I call it "the Willage") and then put out a piece of poo like The Happening?

Yes, The Happening has a decent storyline, but the acting... oh dear God in heaven...

Couldn't you have either directed Marky Mark* to not act douche-bag-like or cast someone else entirely? And what's with the lack of a weird twist we are all so accustomed to see...

Some of my favorites twists:

So why no twist, bad acting, and less than stellar dialogue (to put it nicely)?

I have my theories...

  1. You ran out of ideas

  2. You don't care anymore (nooooo!!!)

  3. You have a film contract with some company you don't like and you are sabotaging your efforts....

So all in all it was a poorly executed, badly acted, made-me-wanna-kill-myself feel good movie...

I want the old M. Night Shyamalan back... I also want my 2 hours and $13.50 back...

*Don't get me wrong, I loves me some Mark Wahlberg, I mean did you SEE him in Boogie Nights??? Don't worry, Marky Mark, you are still on my list...