I guess everything was going too well. I had to have at least one complication. The big GD.
I don't know how high the levels need to be for it to be really really serious or just control-your-diet serious. I do know that with twins it is a generally higher risk because my pancreas is trying to provide insulin for two placentas instead of just one.
So there you have it. I don't know where to go from here. I am just numb right now.
I now there are much more serious complications in pregnancy, especially with twins. But this is just a huge blow to me. I feel like I have put my precious babies in danger. I haven't been careless with my diet at all, but I feel so guilty about every little piece of sugar I have indulged in.
This sucks....
Peking Chicken
7 months ago
ah sweetie...:( i bet your numbers weren't too high. what were they? you said you were eating more carbs to prepare...carbs do turn into sugar in your body so maybe that was the culprit.
don't feel guilty!! you are doing fine and the babies are great!! you haven't had any indications that diabetes is a problem and i'm betting it's just more of watching your sugar intake than anything. let me know if you need a shoulder...you will be great...i promise...i know it's a bummer still...*hug*
love you....*huge hugs*
So what's the plan of attack? Don't stress yourself too much over it. My friend had it with her singleton, controlled it with diet and everything turned out fine. And she was on the heavier side. You, clearly, are not. :)
My levels were normal for 1hr, 199 at 2hr, and 160 at 3hr. Could have been worse I guess. And from what I understand, when you cut carbs comepletely your blood sugar spikes to compensate. So I ate the normal amount of carbs and added more protein...
No plan yet other than limit my sugar intake like I've been doing.. My Dr doesn't want me to start an exercise program due to being high risk and anything I do other than the normal day to day causes contractions and severe pelvic pain, not to mention stress on my cervix. GOOD TIMES....
Oh, I am sorry. :( BUT as far as things go- it could be worse. GD can be regulated. I'm sure you did nothing to "put your babies in danger." We are just at a higher risk for it. Just say goodbye to sugar treats for a few months, follow your doc's plan and I'm sure you and the two will be just fine. :)
I'm sorry it didn't go so well..but you did absolutely nothing wrong and you have never put your babies in danger - you are a wonderful mother already! Love ya girl...and I'm always here for you!
those levels don't sound alarming at all..:) it's going to suck to cut out sugar, but there are plenty of other things that will start tasting just as good. just keep doing what you are doing otherwise...your babes are growing strong and healthy my love...*smooch* from every other report you are doing great! :)
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