Thanks to blogger Tao of Two for this! She's another twin mommy whose blog you all should check out...
1. I was born in Fullerton, California.
2. I come from a family of 6 kids. Yes, all by the same parents. Yes, my parents are still happily married.
3. I was a photographer for more than 7 years. Before that I was a makeup artist. After that I was a doll artist.
4. I can't stand a messy kitchen. I spend hours scrubbing it top to bottom.
5. I can spend hours in Powells Books. Well, I used to spend hours there.
6. I love the art of Mark Ryden.
7. I was shocked at how much I did not enjoy pregnancy fully. I felt really guilty about that. I thought I would love it.
8. I watch a lot of reality shows about fashion and food. And hair.
9. I once got kicked hard in the face at a concert and got my nose broken. It's now slightly crooked but you can barely tell.
10. In high school I was heavily into drama. I even directed!
11. I live for garage sales but haven't been to one in nearly a year. boo....
12. My husband and I have been together since I was 19 years old. So 17 years.
13. I love LOVE Mexican religious art. Our Lady of Guadalupe is one of my favorite pieces of art ever.
14. My first job was for a party company. My first assignment with them was a holiday part on the Paramount Studios lot. my second assignment was a birthday party for Nicole Ritchie. She was 6 at the time. I helped her decorate a hat and one of her gifts was a kiddie-sized BMW. No joke.
15. Guilty pleasure? Peanut M&M's. They are even better warmed up...
16. I run another blog that does giveaways and freebies. It started during my pregnancy as a way to pass the time.
17. I'm a night owl. Totally.
18. If I could live anywhere in the world, it would be somewhere by the beach. I LOVE the beach...
19. If there are cookies in the house, they are ALL MINE ;)
20. I can knit and crochet (novicely!).
21. I'm left handed. The only other family member who is as well is my dad. I secretly hope one or both of my children are also lefties.
22. I thought I would dress my daughter kinda punk, but I find myself getting her a ton of super girly things.
23. Josh and I were married in Lake Tahoe at Cal-Neva Resort. It was perfect. And I didn't stress like a lot of brides do.
24. I have gotten two people fired from their jobs - the first was the guy who did my nails at the resort ( he was terrible!), the second was a guy who cut me off and nearly ran me off the freeway in his company truck.
25. I love the rain. LOVE it.
Peking Chicken
5 months ago
OMG, you're so sweet! And this list is fabulous! You and I have a LOT in common. I didn't enjoy pregnancy either (maybe it was the twin thing?) One of my twins is a leftie and I think it's awesome, but I'm so frustrated that I can't find left-handed scissors!
I knew I liked you, my fellow unstressed, dare I say, anti-bride?
And I now know why I love your pics of the bebes so much. :)
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