Ok, now for my changes -
I feel the babies flutter around more than before, but I can only feel them when I am chilling on the couch or just waking up. I love the feeling, but it almost feels like twitches. I can't wait to feel a real live JAB! Better yet, I can't wait to feel it outside my tummy so that Josh can feel it too. And my dog Molly, since she likes to snuggle against my belly...
Speaking of dogs, they will absolutely not leave my side. They cuddle super close to me when I am home and even when I go to use the bathroom they follow me. Too funny...
I have had a weird symptom since last week. I can feel my heart beating. It's not fast, just pounding. Dr says this is completely normal and to drink more water (more?!), which sometimes helps. Basically when I am lying down, quiet, usually trying to zero in on babies movement, I feel this THUMP! THUMP! THUMP!....
My cravings of late? Noodles and cereal.. not together. I eat more corn flakes than ever and crave noodles. Any kind, I don't care. Bring on the spaghetti. Bring on the chow mein. Bring on the Top Ramen or Cup o' Soup. I don't care. I just want noodles...
Oh, one more thing, I got blood results back from my NT visit (which by the way, was under the wire as far as timing goes), and being 35 my normal risk would be 1/250 chance. My risk? 1/1500. So apparently Josh and I have pretty good genes and my eggs are nice and young. Which I am not 100% surprised since for most of my "fertile" life I didn't ovulate.
on that note, I leave you with a picture of Molly and Lucy. Spooning. I took a nap and woke up to this...

hi puppies! so cute..:)
i remember being pg with lola and our cats in hawaii not leaving my side...animals know..:)
so good that your results are back and all is well. our family has good genetics, so i wasn't worried. i had the triple screen done with lola as well but not with xi since we already knew our genetic chances were low..;) congrats though!! now just sit back and enjoy!
since you do have twins, be careful lying on your back too much. the weight of the babies can constrict bloodflow and you can get super light headed. with singletons it's usually around 20 weeks or so where you need to watch it, but with twins i'm guessing now as there are twice the weight going on in there..;) it also can be a problem with the babies getting bloodflow as they get bigger...not a major concern if you wake up on your back! but best positions are on your left side..;) and you won't damage the babies if you wake up on your back, as you get bigger it will be more uncomfortable in that position anyway so you probably won't naturally roll into it in your sleep.
i'm so excited you are feeling the babies. it's the most amazing feeling to know that a little someone, or two in your case, are growing and living inside you. i love it! geeking out again..haha!
love you sis...enjoy those noodles!!
I know what you mean about the heart pounding...that happens to me too!! Actually I've started to have some random heart fluttering/palpatations that I may need to ask my dr. about. Don't know if that's normal...doesn't sound good.
I feel it too when I'm trying to feel the babies move (when I'm lying down or sitting at the computer) and its almost like I just feel my heart beating in my ute instead of babies moving (weird) but I definitely feel SOMETHING going on in there sometimes!! :o)
Glad everything checked out on the test!! That's always comforting!!
My labs totally do not do that... how adorable! My heart does the same thing- I don't think it is weird, we just have that much more blood pumping around each day. I get frustrated though, because I've been trying to feel them kick from the outside, and all I feel is my heartbeat and pulse.
Girl! I had completely forgotten that I have to actually visit your blog site instead of just my google reader and I was sitting here thinking "man, I haven't heard from that girl in a while!" :)
I'm so excited about your babies! So glad to hear that everything is going good, aside from normal pg woes.
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