So I started my meds (as you know) and they are ok for now. The lupron shot isn't so bad, but the needle it a teeny bit bigger than the follistim shots I've done so I really have to poke. It's also causing me to bloat, which ain't pretty. And the dexamethasone is giving me some restless sleep. I took a unisom last night which helped, but it was still tough...
I was watching tv and an ad for a movie came up. My husband said "look honey, there's another Final Destination movie. In 3D". I'm a sucker for slasher films, even more for the futuristic 3D effects which are nothing like the old movies (Jaws 3D, anyone?). But 3D movies are only good in the theaters, we tried watching one on Com.cast and it sucked. But that's not the point.
The movie is coming out August 28th. Nothing interesting about the particular date, but it occured to me that I would know by then if IVF got me pregnant. I would be done with this stage. And I thought to myself, "if they are advertising movies that are after the 4 weeks I need to wait for the ER and ET, it must not be that long of time..."
I did that when I had my surgery. I gauged how long it would be before I went back to work by how far in the future I could go in my DVR and TV listings. When I began seeing "April 26" I knew I didn't have a lot of time to lay around and do nothing..
My TV listings go up to July 23rd. So about a week shy of where I want it to be...
As far as work goes, well, work is work. A lot of weirdness and some potential drama I get to nip in the bud today. Oh, those conversations are so... let's just say I am not looking forward to it....
Peking Chicken
7 months ago
Sounds like you've got the meds under control just fine! I found that some days the Lupron was a piece of cake and some days it stung a little more. Four weeks away? Soon you will look back and think, wow, that went fast! Good luck with the work drama (bleah).
oh good luck with everything! I have my fingers crossed for you big time.
August is going to be here before you know it. Good luck with the shots- it sounds like you are doing just fine!
oh know i'm in the cheering section and really am excited about august coming...:)
good luck with the drama...i hate drama...but i LOVE you..
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