Wednesday, April 22, 2009

6 week mark :)

"And When She Was Bad..."*

Today marks the 6 week milestone in my myomectomy recovery. WOOHOO!! I dodn't realize I would feel as good as I do, I though it would be more difficult. I am feeling.....NORMAL. The only thing is a little twang here and there, not painful, but enough to notice and react. Also my incision is still numb on one side. But otherwise I feel great!

I have a million Etsy ideas swimming around in my head right now. I will eventually get some of my prints of my paintings up. I either need to find a good printing place or invest in a better printer. Mine is ok, but not as perfect as I would like.

*The picture above is one of my paintings. Sorry for the watermark, there be bandits on the interweb....


My Endo Journey said...

Love your site! Very cool. And, I love Etsy! Glad that things are going well from your procedure.

Happy ICLW!

Brandie said...

I love your painting!!

Unknown said...

oh man...i need you to do some paintings for the girls' room when i get around to redoing it...i love it!!!

and congrats on making the 6 week mark!! woohoo!!

Lucky Jones said...

Ohh, I'd be happy to!

Chele said...

Yay! for 6 weeks post op! When do you go back to work? +++++ vibes that you get pg on your own this cycle.